SIYB is a business management training programme designed by International Labor Organization (ILO) to assist micro, small and medium sized enterprises in starting and improving their businesses. ILO has been implementing the SIYB programme in more than 100 countries.
ILO, with support from United Nations Development Program (UNDP) under the Society For Poor People Development (SPPD) fund, adapted the SIYB program to meet the needs of the micro enterprise sector in Nepal. The customised package is called “SIYB for Rural Nepal”. In 2000 this new SIYB package was tested by the Industrial Enterprise Development Institute (IEDI) and Centre for Business Development (CEBUD), who trialled training sessions with the adapted tools and methods. SIYB for Rural Nepal was then further tested by the Micro Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP) after modifications and improvements were made to the original training package.
Based on the success of the pilot testing , the package was finalised for a nationwide launch in 2003. SIYB or Rural Nepal focuses on low income, illiterate and semi-literate people. Trainers endeavor to help people who partake in SIYB training to generate sustainable income through self-employment as micro entrepreneur. To date, SIYB for Rural Nepal has resulted in considerable business creation and business community development across Nepal, contributing to the reduction of poverty.
There are two key components to the SIYB for Rural Nepal package, the Counselling Guides and SIYB Business Game.
Counselling Guides
The counselling guides are detailed training manuals which include methods and processes for counselling micro and small entrepreneurs. There are four version of Counselling Guides that correspond with the four levels of SIYB Training, Training of Potential Entrepreneurs (TOPE), Training of Starting Entrepreneurs (TOSE), Training of Existing Entrepreneurs (TOEE) and Training of Growing Entrepreneurs (TOGE). Each version is designed to match an entrepreneur’s understanding of business practices and their status as an entrepreneur/business owner.
Trainers and facilitators who use the Counselling Guides must attend training on how to be an SIYB trainer. This guide can also be used in other target programmes under various entrepreneurship development and income generating programmes in Nepal.
SIYB Business Game
The SIYB Game is an important training tool of the SIYB program and used by institutions worldwide. A version of the SIYB Game has been adapted for Nepalese participants under ILO guidance.
This business game is used to teach potential entrepreneurs to manage their business effectively. Trainers use the game to provide a practical experience of running a business. The game simulates real world scenarios and gives participants the opportunity to make the kinds of decisions – and deal with the consequences of those decisions – which they must make when staring and operating a business. By simulating a real business environment, the game allows entrepreneurs to act and learn from their mistakes safely. This game has become a popular and proven training tool in Nepal.
SIYB Training Courses
Training for Entrepreneurs and Business Starters
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Train the Trainer Courses
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SIYB Master Trainer Certification
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