To ensure the quality of training activities, SIYB trainers use a core set of training materials. These materials assist certified SIYB Trainers to effectively implement SIYB entrepreneurial training and related follow up activities.
Training materials are introduced and distributed to participants during SIYB Training of Trainers workshop. They can also be accessed by members of the SIYB Gateway (see Monitoring and Evaluation section).
The training material package for trainers costs NRs 8000 and consists of:

- SIYB Trainers Guide
- TOPE- Training of potential entrepreneurs with illustration folder
- TOSE- Training of existing entrepreneurs with illustration folder
- TOEE- Training of emerging entrepreneurs with illustration folder
- TOGE- Training of growing entrepreneurs with illustration folder
- Game manual and game materials (Game 1 to 4)
- Counselling guide part 1
- Counselling guide part 2
If you would like more information about the SIYB Training Materials please contact us.