Lal Bir BK Humla DistrictThe SIYB module was my favorite, it was really enjoyable and informative. The SIYB business game was great, it created a positive energy and encouraged us to be active and cooperate with our fellow trainers.

Karna Singh Dhami Baitadi DistrictAfter completing the SIYB training of trainers course I am confident that I can get a job in my local village and help the community and assist the poor to become entrepreneurs.

Bhawani Neupane Rasuwa DistrictI attended an 18 month Enterprise Development (EDF) Course in 2016 and among the modules was the SIYB training. It was fun and entertaining, and I think the most valuable module. I really liked the SIYB business games, they are a great educational tools.

Srijana Shahi Kalikot DistrictI have been inspired by the SIYB training conducted by IEDI. It has given me the confidence to implement TOPE/TOSE training in future at my village and others.